Raise a serious issue of judge

personality of each judge

This column was published in a local newspaper by Yukiko Okabe, technical committee member of the International Skating Federation.October 25, 2021

採点競技のフィギュアでは人間が判断し、評価します。 どうしてもジャッジそれぞれの個性が出ることで評価は違ってきます。 それをカバーするために大きな大会では9人のジャッジがいるのですが、その補助的な役割として人工知能(AI)の導入も将来的には必要だと強く感じています。

In the figure skating of scoring competition, human judges and evaluates. The evaluation will be different depending on the personality of each judge. In order to cover this, there are nine judges in big competitions, and I strongly feel that the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) is also necessary as an auxiliary role in the future.
What should be done to make the judgment more fair? I hope that we will continue to think seriously and put it into practice. (International Skating Federation Technical Commissioner)
※machine translation

※As this is an irrelevant recollection and self-praise, I would like to hide everything except the relevant part.

You can't just use the judge's "personality" to clean up the mess.

ISU GP Guaranteed Rate Skate America 2021 SP
Vincent ZHOU ... TES 54.78 PCS 42.65 (4Lz+3T,4Sq,3A)
Shoma UNO ... TES 44.29 PCS 44.78 (2F No Count,4T+3T,3A)
Jimmy MA ...... TES 47.38 PCS 37.14 (4T+3T,3Lz,3A)
Nathan CHEN ... TES 39.72 PCS 44.17 (4Lz Fall,Skid 3A,4F Step Out No Combo)

Is it the judge's "personality" that Nathan doesn't get serious errors?
Is it "personality" that the judge don't understand the rules?
Is it also the “personality” of the judges that the members of the judges change from game to game, but certain players often miss them?
Don't use the word "personality" to deceive me. Say "gauge the feelings of someone."
In the first place, it's strange that the judges, who can't get rid of their personality," are scoring, but the grounds for scoring are ambiguous. Until artificial intelligence (AI) is introduced and "fair referees" are conducted, there are things that can be done, such as allowing players to raise their objections freely, or increasing transparency by publishing the evidence for scoring in the results.

Why didn't Nathan get serious errors?
Please let me know.
※machine translation